概念美術館 Vol. 5 「指間之道—吳以琳個展 TAO in a Moment – Wu Yi-Lin Solo Exhibition」
展期:2020.6.5 – 2020.08.07




“In the rhythm of music a secret is hidden; If I were to divulge it, it would overturn the world.” –RUMI.

TAO in a Moment is based on the artist’s epiphany of Tao. This work is derived from an audio context in which the audience’s consciousness is guided by the sounds to pass through different dimensions. In this journey, the status of time changes along with the transitions in dimensions.

The first character in the Chinese title, “zhi,” refers to the intention of the human being. In just a moment, shifting around from one intention to another, and wandering from one thought to another, the exploration of intention can go beyond the limit of time. The artist is in search of the mind shift of the human being and the myriads of changes that could happen in just a millisecond.

