隱私權政策 |
台灣數位藝術中心 DAC.TW(以下簡稱「DAC.TW」、「本單位」)非常重視 DAC.TW 網站的使用者(以下簡稱「您」)的線上個人隱私。隱私權政策內容,包括本網站如何處理在您使用網站服務時收集到的個人識別資料。隱私權保護政策不適用於本網站以外的相關鏈結網站 ,也不適用於非本網站所委託或參與管理的人員。Privacy Policy Statement |
Digital Art Center.tw (hereinafter referred to as ""DAC.TW""), places great importance on the Internet privacy of the users of this site. The privacy policy content, including how this site handles personally identifiable information collected when you use the site service. This privacy policy does not apply to external links provided on this site or people who are not employed by us to manage this site. Any data that you upload, transfer, input, or contribute to DAC.TW will be considered permitted, by you, under this privacy policy for DAC.TW to use, modify, reproduce, adapt, distribute, broadcast, publicly represent/display, publicly transmit the data, and to transfer the preceding rights to the third party, and you have no objection to this. You should also ensure that the materials, for which you give the permit for DAC.TW to use, modify, reproduce, adapt, distribute, broadcast, publicly represent/display, publicly transmit, do not infringe the intellectual property rights of any third party; otherwise, you shall be held responsible for DAC.TW's damage or loss (including but not limited to legal expenses, etc.). DAC.TW will never sell, exchange, or lease any of your personal information to other parties or individuals. Only except in the following circumstances under this privacy policy will we:著作財產權聲明 |
本服務所提供之影片、文字、聲音、圖形、電腦程式、商標等,其智慧財產權均屬於本公司或其授權人所有,非經本公司合法授權之利用行為,均屬智慧財產權之侵害。您只能在 DAC.TW 和所有權人授權下才能使用這些內容,而不能擅自複製、再造這些內容、或創造與內容有關的衍生產品。尊重智慧財產權是您應盡的義務,如有違反,您應對 DAC.TW 負損害賠償責任(包括但不限於訴訟費用及律師費用等)。Intellectual Property Right |
The intellectual property rights of the videos, texts, sounds, graphics, computer programs, trademarks, and so forth, provided by this service, belong to DAC.tw and its authorizers. Any unauthorized use could amount to copyright infringement. The use of the content shall be authorized by DAC.tw and its authorizers; any act of copying, reproduction, or use of content for derivative products without permission is prohibited. The obligation to abide by intellectual property should be respect; otherwise, one shall be held responsible for DAC.TW's damage or loss (including but not limited to legal expenses, etc.)