
Who Pulled the Trigger: The Connotation and Context of Violent Video Games

🎮 展期 Duration:2014/08/09 (六) -2014/ 09/15 ( 一)

🎮 開幕 Opening:2015/08/09   14:00  

🎮 地點 Venue:台北數位藝術中心

🎮 地址 Address:111台北市士林區福華路180號;近捷運淡水線芝山捷運站二號出口

🎮 展覽介紹





此外,當我們談到暴力遊戲時,片面地聯想就是「殺人」,試問宗教歧視、性別差異、同性戀、動物環保等等難道不算是另外一種言語、宗教上的暴力嗎? 我們不可能杜絕網路、電影、小說中所有帶有暴力描述之作品,而電子遊戲作為世界最具代表性的數位科技與娛樂產業,與其防堵與恐慌,不如真正地認識的暴力電玩,並從中探索防範再次發生類似案例的可能性。 也因此我舉辦了這次的展覽,將主題定為:《誰來扣板機:暴力電玩遊戲的內涵與理路》,透過主題影片和演講試圖討論暴力遊戲的發展與分級制度,更透過實機的遊玩經驗,傳達能夠最後決定「開槍與否」的實踐者,正掌握在自身的抉擇,而非作品的命定。 讓喜歡遊戲的玩家、甚至是家長和親子一起來認識這個嚴肅但卻與我們密切相關之議題,這可能是一個有效的發洩管道,也可能是對於社會更多的認識。


🎮 Exhibition Introduction

Who Pulled the Trigger: The Connotation and Context of Violent Video Games


The society was shocked by the 2014 Taipei Metro attack. We sincerely take a moment of silence for all the innocent victims of this attack, and expect our society to stay away from conflict and trepidation. The mass media provoke considerable controversies by pointing out that the murderer indulges in violent video games.


The debate over violent video games highlights people’s biased and superficial understanding about them. Those who are against violent video games may never play them previously; let alone understanding the presentation and reaction of these video games in terms of their visual effects and manipulation. They simply assess thenegative implicationsof these video games from their own biased conjectures. Similarly, those who favor violent video games ignore the implicit threats and influencesthat the games exert on players mind.


In addition, when it comes to violent video games, we tend to associate it with “killing people.” However, are not discrimination on the grounds of religion, gender, and sexual orientation, as well as animal abuse and environmental damage equally violent in terms of language?


It is impossible to eliminate violent content from all movies, novels, and information on the Internet. Video gamesare the most representative of digital technology and the entertainment industry in general. To prevent similar unfortunate incidents from happening again, we shouldcorrectly understand violent video games rather than habitually block and fear them.


Therefore, I organize the exhibition titled“Who Pulled the Trigger: The Connotation and Context of Violent Video Games.”On the one hand, this exhibition addresses the development and rating system of violent video games through videos and keynote speeches. On the other hand, by offering the viewers the experience of actually playing violent video games, the exhibition conveys that the very player, rather than the game setting, makes the final decision of “shoot or not shoot.”


This exhibition sincerely invites players, parents, and their children to explorethis serious issue to which our daily life closely related. This exhibition mayserve as an effective outlet for our pressure as well as a more profound understanding of the society.

🎮 關於策展人


生於臺南,從小與電玩、動漫結下了不解之緣。曾任教過國中、高中、五專與多所大學,試圖以當代娛樂與流行文化的角度來融入歷史教學,傳達多元化的知識系譜,並推動將 ACG文化視為一門學問來加以研究。現任教於交通大學、東海大學與旭傳媒網路科技公司 U- ACG負責人,台北數位藝術節 電玩藝術專題展策展人。


🎮 About the Curator

RainReader Liang

Liang was born in Tainan. He has been having an indissoluble bond with video games and comics since his childhood. He used to teach in high schools, five-year vocational schools, and universities. He tries to integrate contemporary entertainment and popular culture into the content of courses, pass pluralistic knowledge genealogies on students, and promotes the study of ACG culture as a discipline. He teaches currently in National Chiao Tung University andTunghai University,and serves as the director of U-ACG in MediaBrilliance System Corporation. He is also the curator of Taipei Game Art Exhibition.

🎮 主題影片



🎮 相關活動


08╱09(六)pm3:00 觀看與實踐:暴力電玩遊戲的內涵與理路




08╱30(六)pm2:00 kulturkampf也想要談戀愛:ACG中的階級、性別與抗爭


09╱06(六)pm2:00 誰來扣板機:數位電子娛樂之凝視與抉擇權


🎮 現場體驗



Call of Duty: Modern Warfare series (Main Theme)
Call of Duty: Ghost
Battlefield series
Killzone: ShadowFall
Dead Rising 2
Manhunt series
Watch Dogs (Main Theme)
The Last of Us (PS4 ver.) (Main Theme)
Tomb Raider ™ Definitive Edition
Grand theft auto V
Deep Space2
Hotline miami
inFAMOUS Second Son
Mortal Kombat series
God of War Series
Retro city rampage
Medal Of Honor
Metal Gear V: Ground Zeroes
Valiant Hearts: The Great War
Lost In the Rain



🎮 相關活動

展覽日期:2014 / 08 / 09(六)~09 / 15(一)



梁世佑(台北數位藝術節 電玩藝術專題展策展人)

門票: 免費入場


Opening Hours:10:00~18:00
Location:Digital Art Centre,Taipei
Tickets: Free Entry