數位藝術基金會 Digital Art Foundation延續 嘉義市立美術館2022年辦理「城市隱匿」線上虛擬展覽,本次展覽將城市視為創作載體,融合虛實整合的數位科技,以「非日常路徑」為題,深入探討了數位科技下的空間穿透與異境共存的當代文化景象。虛擬展覽建置於開放型「Cluster (クラスター)」VR社群平台,提供虛擬化身的定製功能,觀眾可以創造出各種化身,透過虛擬替身進入到展場間遊走。


「非日常路徑」Cluster 平台請進:


※2023.11.01 – 2023.11.30 可於台灣數位藝術中心使用VR觀賞※


「非日常路徑」(Unordinary Pathway)是一個以「城市」為命題、整合線上虛擬與線下實體的新型態展覽。「非日常路徑」的「非」所表意的是「不僅」與「超越」,除強調超越日常生活的概念之外,更凸顯嘉義作為一個城市快速發展變化的城市,在後疫情時代的藝術觀賞之道,彰顯虛實整合的媒體科技應用,對既有環境的另類創造,使城市在虛實之間浮現而出;同時,展覽規劃也探討著數位科技下的空間穿透與異境共存的當代文化景緻。具體而言,「非日常路徑」一展在一條從戶外到館內、藉實體邁入虛擬的空間規劃策略中,不僅是展現人們日常生活與藝術間的交互關係,更強調其虛實整合策略為觀眾/參與者/互動者提供更多層次的空間感知與互動體驗。

Unordinary Pathway embodies a new-type exhibition that centers on “city” as its theme, and integrates the virtual and physical forms online and offline. In this exhibition, the negative affix “un-” in “unordinary” indicates “something more” and “to surpass,” which not only emphasizes on going beyond ideas related to the everyday life, but also highlights Chiayi as a city that has been undergoing rapid urban evolvement. At the same time, the ways of viewing and appreciating art in the post-pandemic era call attention to how application of media technology of virtual-physical integration engages in the alternative creation of existing environment, unveiling a city between virtuality and physicality. The curating also inquires into the permeation of digital technology in everyday physical space and the contemporary cultural landscape informed by coexisting heterogenous realms.

Specifically, Unordinary Pathway adopts a spatial strategy built upon a route spanning both the outdoors to the museum interior as well as the physical and virtual space, which demonstrates the interrelations between the everyday life and art, while foregrounding the multilayered spatial perception and interactive experience that this strategy of virtual-physical integration has to offer for audiences/participants/interactors.


展期|2023.11.01 – 2024.02.18
時間|週二至週日9:00 – 17:00(週一休館)
實體展場|嘉義美術館 古蹟棟3樓圖書室、本館2樓及1樓戶外區

合作單位|財團法人數位藝術基金會、 均勻製作


※2023.11.01 – 2023.11.30 可於台灣數位藝術中心使用VR觀賞※

地點 |台灣數位藝術中心 Digital Art Center, Taiwan
地址 |111 台北市士林區中山北路六段431-1號B1
預約 | 無入場費、不需預約