
Relative Perceptions Yung-Ta CHANG Solo Exhibition

ꕥ 展期 Duration:2011/08/13 (六) – 2011/09/11 (日)

ꕥ 開幕 Opening:2011/08/13 (六) 15:00 

ꕥ 地點 Venue:台北數位藝術中心

ꕥ 地址 Address:111台北市士林區福華路180號;近捷運淡水線芝山捷運站二號出口

ꕥ 展覽介紹








聲音相較於視覺,是非常抽象的,伸手感覺不到,眼睛也無法看到它。它透過空氣震動傳導, 形成聽覺,除了偵測音量的分貝計,或是經由電子儀器、數位化後的聲音,我們自身的感官系統很難用一個絕對的計量、單位或是數值去表現或描述,因此當聲音在空間傳播時,可以說是以一種非常純粹的物理性運動著,在這樣的狀態下,聲音在空間中的方向性、速度或變化,我們無法精準絕對的描述與計量,因此一切都僅止於相對性。



ꕥ Exhibition Introduction

In our daily lives and environment, seemingly obvious and natural phenomena are overlooked because we are accustomed to them. This is especially so in the media-enriched world of today. With the large quantities of images and information that we face, are our senses able to maintain the animal like sensitivity that it once had? Or has it degenerated so that it is necessary to rely on technology to help amplify these dulled senses.


Since I began to create the audio piece, I started to notice sounds in my surroundings and became more sensitive to sound. I don’t think that this comes naturally or that it can be accomplished in a short period of time. Instead it requires training and nurturing—like learning to write as children. Only then would the ear be more “open” and able to pick up faint sounds.


Unfortunately despite how sensitive one may be, some faint subtle sounds are difficult to catch. However, with the help of technology and other equipments like the super directional microphone or ultrasonic speakers, we are able to understand and even achieve some surprising sensory experiences, completely alter our understanding of our senses. I am not especially against or for using these technological equipments, but instead interested in the phenomena or experience that it brings to our senses, especially in physical changes.


Compared to visuals, sound is much more abstract—it cannot be touched with our hands nor seen with our eyes. It passes through air and vibrates, transmits and forms our sense of hearing. Without sound detection devices like the decibel meter, electronic equipment or digitalizing sound, the human body cannot measure sound nor describe it using units or numbers. Thus when sound is traveling through space, it can be described as a very simple and physical motion. Under these circumstances, sound moving through space is relative because we cannot precisely calculate it due to its change in speed and the direction it is traveling in.


There are three pieces in this exhibition, each exploring and expressing sound, space, and their relations, changes, and phenomenon. Hopefully those who visit this exhibition will able to experience the charm that is unique to sound. 

英文翻譯: 謝昀容

ꕥ 關於藝術家




2000~2003 銘傳大學商業設計
2005~2009 台北藝術大學科技藝術研究所
2008.4~2008.9 日本山口情報藝術中心實習 (YCAM, Yamaguchi Center for Arts and Media)


2009 360度環景影像創作系列-Y現象 (#1 ~ #3)-張永達個展, 國立台灣美術館,台中,台灣。



2011 「Tokyo Story 2010」Tokyo Wonder Site駐村展覽,聲音裝置,Tokyo Wonder Site Hongo,


2011 「聲音生物」聲音裝置展,聲音裝置,新苑藝術,台北,台灣。
2010 “感官拓譜-台灣當代藝術體感測”,廣東美術館,廣州,中國。
2010 01SJ 聖荷西雙年展,聖荷西,美國。
2009 「超響 – 發聲體」聯展,聲音裝置,新苑藝術,台北,台灣。
2009 「交感缺乏 」聯展,聲音裝置,國立台北教育大學 南海藝廊,台北,台灣。
2008 第三屆台北數位藝術節,聲音藝術類,當代藝術館,台北,台灣。
2008 第五屆 404 國際電子藝術節(Audio-Visual類),Trieste, Italy。
2007 大隘藝術節- 由陶亞倫、張暉明、張永達 、湯雅如、牛俊強、許馥凡、賴虹伶共同創作,

2007 既視感 – 聯展,台北藝術大學 綜合展覽空間,台北,台灣。
2007 “Slowtime2007? Quicktime as an artistic medium” 線上影音展。
2006 第三屆 404 國際電子藝術節(Audio-Visual類),Rosario,阿根廷。
2006 第六屆 neMaf 2006 韓國首爾新媒體藝術節Video類,首爾,南韓。
2006 d/Art/2006 Festival, screen program selected,澳洲, 雪梨。


2011 「LoopMe」波茨坦舞蹈日,波茨坦,德國。
2011 失聲祭47,燈光-多聲道裝置演出,南海藝廊,台北,台灣。
2011 「in/scope」Tokyo Experimental Festival,Tokyo Wonder Site Shibuya, 東京,日本。
2011 「LoopMe」法國大巴黎Arcadi表演藝術推廣協會年度推薦演出,

Scène nationale de Marne-la-Vallée,巴黎,法國。
2010 「共聲鏈結」跨界聲域表演,元智大學,桃園,台灣。
2010 失聲祭42,Audio-Visual表演,南海藝廊,台北,台灣。
2010 「InShadow」錄像、表演與科技國際藝術節,聖路易斯市劇院,里斯本,葡萄牙。
2010 tranSonic 2010 超響 – 聲音藝術展演,臺北藝術大學戲劇廳,台北,台灣。
2010 聯音計畫 U*SOUND,聲音影像演出,台北國際藝術村,台北,台灣。
2010 <ReMove Me> 新媒體藝術+舞蹈演出,多聲道聲響設計,牯嶺街 小劇場,台北,台灣。
2010 塞納聖丹尼斯(Seine Saint Denis)舞蹈節,<Loop Me> 新媒體藝術+舞蹈,巴黎,法國。
2009 「聲呼吸–實驗聲響2009」,Audio Visual ,國立台灣美術館, 台中,台灣。
2009 第四屆台北數位藝術節 開幕演出–「光怪」,Audio Visual+舞蹈,與姚仲涵、葉廷皓、劉國松、

2009 第四屆台北數位藝術節 特別演出–「光構」,戶外擴增建築投影,當代藝術館,台北,台灣。
2009 關渡藝術節–「LoopMe」聲音設計,國立臺北藝術大學 舞蹈廳,台北,台灣。
2009 「軟抗爭」展覽開幕演出,Audio,非常廟VT Art Salon,台北,台灣。
2009 2009牯嶺街國際小劇場藝術節–「LoopMe」聲音設計,牯嶺街小劇場,台北,台灣。
2009 tranSonic 2009 超響 – 聲音藝術展演,數位藝術中心,台北,台灣。
2009 失聲祭19,Audio-Visual表演,南海藝廊,台北,台灣。
2008 Airpockets vol.5- 聲音演出, Studio Imaichi, 山口,日本。
2008 「異光」計畫影音表演,國立台灣美術館,台中,台灣。
2008 失聲季 8- 影音演出,南海藝廊,台北,台灣。
2008 tranSonic 2008 超響 – 聲音藝術展演,台北,台灣。
2007 <我呸 我放 我唱 你來聽> 聲音演出, ins Café, 台中,台灣。
2007 現代浪漫歌劇「梧桐雨」- 局部動態影像設計,戲劇廳,台北,台灣。
2006 第一屆台北數位藝術節開幕演出,中山堂廣場,台北,台灣。
2006 「聲波綻放 Sonic Bloom」現場演出, 關渡美術館,台北,台灣。
2006 \^o^/ SIGHT2006藝術家博覽會- 聲音演出, 華山藝文特區,台北,台 灣。
2006 和Party 2006/08/19, 華中橋下,台北,台灣。
2006 i/O SoundLab 南海啥聲3 影音演出,南海藝廊,台北,台灣。
2006 i/O SoundLab 南海啥聲2 影音演出,南海藝廊,台北,台灣。
2006 科光幻影 開幕影音演出,國立美術館,台中,台灣。
2006 第三屆腦天氣 影音演出,誠品信義店,台北,台灣。
2005 音風狂嘯音樂祭 影像演出,西子灣,高雄,台灣。
2005 Hello! Electronika-Folk 影像演出,海邊卡夫卡,台北,台灣。
2005 i/O SoundLab. Un-Equalize 聲音演出,北藝大 2F Café,台北,台灣。
2005 CCparty 影音聚會 影像演出,NGO會館,台北,台灣。


2010 <ReMove Me> 新媒體藝術+舞蹈演出,多聲道聲響設計,牯嶺街小劇場,台北,台灣。
2009 第四屆台北數位藝術節 開幕演出–「光怪」,Audio Visual+舞蹈, 與姚仲涵、葉廷皓、劉國松、

2009 第四屆台北數位藝術節 特別演出–「光構」,戶外擴增建築投影,當代藝術館,台北,台灣。
2009 2009牯嶺街國際小劇場藝術節–「LoopMe」聲音設計,牯嶺街小劇場 ,台北,台灣。
2008 「由戲視擊」吳思珊打擊獨奏會–互動影像設計,國立台北藝術大學舞 蹈廳,台北,台灣。
2007 現代浪漫歌劇「梧桐雨」- 局部動態影像設計,戲劇廳,台北,台灣。


2009 第四屆台北數位藝術節,聲音藝術類首獎,當代藝術館,台北,台灣。
2008 第三屆台北數位藝術節,聲音藝術類入選,當代藝術館,台北,台灣。



2011 Tokyo Wonder Site 青山,東京,日本。


ꕥ About the Artist

Yung-Ta CHANG, born in Taiwan in 1981, is autodidact and residing in Taipei currently. Yung-Ta’s works take on a variety of forms such as Audio-Visual, experimental sound, installations and live performances. He composes time-based sculpture with field recording sources and digital generated noise where the exquisite and violent coexist. He tries to combine minimal, ambient and complexities and find the possibility. He is good at making real-time generate Audio-Visual which synchronized and present the detail, high quality video work. In recent years, also collaborated with independent dancers and visual artists. His works has been featured in numerous group shows and festivals throughout Asia, Europe, North and South America.


Education & Experiences:
2000-2003 _MCU Commercial Design Department
2005-2009 _TNUA Graduate School of Art and Technology, MFA.
2008 April-September _Yamaguchi Center for Arts and Media (YCAM), Intern, with InterLab

Solo Exhibition:

_Cyclorama Digital Art Creation series – Y Phenomenon (#1~#3), Yung-Ta Chang

Solo Exhibition, National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts, Tai-Chung City, Taiwan.


Group Exhibitions:


_“Tokyo Story 2010”, Tokyo Wonder Site Hongo, Tokyo, Japan.
_“Sound Creature” Sound Art Installation Exhibition, Galerie Grand Siècle, Taipei, Taiwan.


_Sensory Topology-Bodily Perception of Taiwan Contemporary Art, Guangdong Museum of

Art, GuangZhou, China.
_01 San Jose Biennale, The South Hall, San Jose, USA.


_4th Taipei Digital Art Festival, Sound Art, Museum of Contemporary Art, Taipei, Taiwan.
_Cyclorama Digital Art Creation series – Y Phenomenon (#1~#3), Yung-Ta Chang Solo

Exhibition, National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts, Tai-Chung City, Taiwan.
_“TranSonic-SoundingObject” – Galerie Grand Siècle, Taipei.
_“Lack of Consens” – Nan-Hai Gallery, Taipei, Taiwan.


_3Rd Taipei Digital Art Festival, Sound Art, Museum of Contemporary Art, Taipei, Taiwan.
_The 5th 404 International Festival of Electronic Art, Trieste, Italy.


_Dai Art Festival , co-work with six artists, Hsin Chu, Taiwan.
_Déjà Vu Joint Exhibition, TNUA, Taipei, Taiwan.
_”Slowtime2007? Quicktime as an artistic medium” online exhibition.


_The 3rd 404 International Festival of Electronic Art, Rosario, Argentina.
_6th New Media Festival in Seoul, Seoul, South Korea.
_D/Art/2006 Festival, screen program selected, Sydney Opera House, Australia.



_Potsdamer Tanztage-LoopMe Tour, Postdam, Germany.
_Lacking Sound Festival 47, Nan-Hai Gallery, Taipei, Taiwan.
_Tokyo Experimental Festival, Tokyo Wonder Site Shibuya, Tokyo, Japan.
_“LoopMe” Arcadi 2011, Scène nationale de Marne-la-Vallée, Paris, France.


_Lacking Sound Festival 42, Nan-Hai Gallery, Taipei, Taiwan.
_“InShadow” – International Festival of Video, Performance and Technologies, <LoopMe> –

New Media Art + Dance performance, São Luiz Municipal Theatre, Lisbon, Portugal.
_“tarnSonic 2010” – Sound Art Festival, Audio-Visual performance, Taipei National University

of Arts – Theater, Taipei, Taiwan.
_“U*SOUND”, Audio-Visual performance, Taipei Art Village, Taipei, Taiwan.
_“ReMove-Me”, New Media Art + Dance performance, Multi-Channel sound design, Guling Street

Little Theatre, Taipei, Taiwan.
_Seine Saint Denis Dance Festival-<LoopMe>, New Media Art + Dance performance,

sound design, Paris, France.


_“Breathing Sound-2009 Experimental Sound Performance” Audio-Visual, Nation Taiwan Museum

of Fine Arts, Taiwan.
_“Funky Light” 4th Taipei Digital Art Festival opening performance, Artist: Guo-Song Liu,

Yi Huang, Yung-Ta Chang, Chung-Han Yao, Ting-Hao Yeh, Red House, Taipei, Taiwan.
_“Light Construction” 4th Taipei Digital Art Festival Projection Mapping Audio-Visual

performance, production of staff: Fujui Wang, Shi-Bang Wang, Yung-Ta Chang, Ting-Hao Yeh,

Ke-Nan Liao, Chloe Liao, Museum of Contemporary Art Taipei, Taiwan.
_“2009 Kuandu Festival– “LoopMe”, New Media Art + Dance performance sound design, Taipei

National University of the Arts, Taipei, Taiwan.
_“Soft Revolt” opening show, sound performance, VT Art salon, Taipei, Taiwan.
_“Guling Street Little Theatre Arts Festival” – “LoopMe” , New Media Art + Dance performance,

sound design, Guling Street Little Theatre, Taipei, Taiwan.
_“tranSonic2009” sound performance, Taipei Digital Art Center, Taipei, Taiwan.
_Lacking Sound Festival 19, Audio-Visual live performance, Nan-Hai Gallery, Taipei, Taiwan.


_“Airpockets vol.5” Live Audio Performance, Studio Imaichi, Yamaguchi, Japan.
_“Blinding Light” Live Audio-Visual Performance, TMOA, Tai-Chung, Taiwan.
_“Lacking Sound Festival 8”-Sound and Audio-Visual Performance, Nan-Hai Gallery,

Taipei, Taiwan.
_“tranSonic2008” sound performance, The Guling St. Avant-garde Theatre Taipei, Taiwan.
_“Jeux Collective” percussion concert – interactive visual design,TNUA, Taipei, Taiwan.


_Modern Romantic Opera “梧桐雨” –part of video design, National Theater, Taipei, Taiwan.


_1th Taipei Digital Art Festival Opening Show Live Performance, Taipei, Taiwan.
_Sonic Bloom – live performance, KOFA, Taipei, Taiwan.
_\^o^/ SIGHT – The 5th Annual Artist Festival – Sound Performance, Huashan Culture Park,

Taipei, Taiwan.
_Her-Party 2006/08/19, Hua-Jhong Bridge, Taipei, Taiwan.
_i/O SoundLab Nan-Hai Sound III sound visual live, Nan-Hai Gallery, Taipei, Taiwan.
_i/O SoundLab Nan-Hai Sound II sound visual live, Nan-Hai Gallery, Taipei, Taiwan.
_Vision and Beyond opening performance, TMOA, Tai-Chung City, Taiwan.
_3th. Weather in My Brain Sound-Visual Art Festival, Eslite Gallery, Taipei, Taiwan.


_LOVE&PEACE Music Festival, Si-Zih Bay, Kaohsiung, Taiwan.
_Hello! Electronika-Folk Live VJ, Kafka, Taipei, Taiwan.
_i/O SoundLab. Un-Equalize sound performance, TNUA 2F Café, Taipei, Taiwan.
_CCparty Live VJ, NGO, Taipei, Taiwan.



_“ReMove-Me”, New Media Art + Dance performance, Multi-Channel sound design, Guling

Street Little Theatre, Taipei, Taiwan.


_“Funky Light” 4th Taipei Digital Art Festival opening performance, Artist: Guo-Song Liu,

Yi Huang, Yung-Ta Chang, Chung-Han Yao, Ting-Hao Yeh, Red House, Taipei, Taiwan.
_“Funky Light” 4th Taipei Digital Art Festival opening performance, Artist: Guo-Song Liu,

Yi Huang, Yung-Ta Chang, Chung-Han Yao, Ting-Hao Yeh, Red House, Taipei, Taiwan.
_“Guling Street Little Theatre Arts Festival” – “LoopMe”, New Media Art + Dance performance,

sound design, Guling Street Little Theatre, Taipei, Taiwan.


_“Jeux Collective” percussion concert – interactive visual design,TNUA, Taipei, Taiwan.


_Modern Romantic Opera “梧桐雨” –part of video design, National Theater, Taipei, Taiwan.


2009 _4th Taipei Digital Art Festival, Sound Art, First Prize.
2008 _3Rd Taipei Digital Art Festival, Sound Art, Selected.


2011 _TokyoWonderSite Aoyama, Tokyo, Japan.

ꕥ 作品介紹 1

「訊號 • 流」2.0



長度:隨機循環 Loop



「訊號 • 流」2.0 是一件結合聲音、光與視覺的裝置,有 104 顆喇叭、104顆傳統圓鎢絲燈泡構成的二維矩陣,呈一立體流線形體包覆散佈在空間中,裝置裡的每個單位包含一顆喇叭,一個燈泡,每一組的燈泡與喇叭的控制都是同步的,意即喇叭的音量大小是跟隨其燈泡亮度所變化,燈泡越亮,聲音越大。聲音的內容透過電腦程式即時運算產生,經由電腦的作業系統監測硬碟讀寫的使用情況和電腦內部的溫度,產生持續的變數和數值資料,由客製化的電腦程式即時運算成噪音或擬生物聲響,將電腦內部的訊號數值轉換成聲響與光。透過電腦軟體的控制,可以分別獨立控制104 顆燈泡的明暗和104 顆喇叭音量的大小,在電腦程式控制下,於空間中以一種流動、蔓延和有機的散撥方式傳遞的聲音與光,時而看似立體圖形,時而看似有聲命的發光體,觀者在這件裝置中可以體驗聲音在三維空間中的流動與變化,以及聲音同步視覺化的呈現。


Signal‧Flow 2.0

Form: Sound installation

Year: 2011

Length: Loop

Media: Mix media


“Signal.Flow”2.0 is an installation made with a combination of sound, light and visuals. Its 104 speakers and 104 incandescent light bulbs form a two dimensional matrix that creates a three-dimensional streamline body that is dispersed through the space. Each unit of installation is composed of one speaker and a light bulb. The control of the unit is synchronized so that the brightness of the bulb alters the volume of the speaker—the brighter the bulb is, the louder the speaker is. The content of sound is generated from program’s real-time computing. Through operating system monitors hard disk access’ status and inner temperature, computer produces continuous variables, values, and data. A customized computer program produces noise or biological sounds and converts the computer’s internal signal into sound and light. Through this program, 104 light bulbs and 104 speakers can be independently controlled. With this control and the flow in space, sound and light is organically dispersed, sometimes creating an illusion of three-dimensional images, sometimes creating glowing objects with sound and life. In this installation, the viewer can experience sound flowing and altering in three dimensional space, as well as visuals that are synchronized with the sound.


ꕥ 作品介紹 2

「相對性 +/- 」RAW




透過特製的加熱裝置,內部的特殊結構在溫度的變化下,彼此間些微的伸縮,如呼吸般的韻律,在看似平靜的裝置外觀,卻暗藏著細膩活躍的聲響,靜靜發聲。「相對性 +/- 」RAW有兩個金屬加熱裝置,其中一個金屬裝置將會切割開,透過剖面,呈現原始內部結構和狀態,包含加熱到發紅的電熱裝置,另一個則維持原貌,讓觀者直接看見其內部的加熱與冷卻過程所產生的視覺與聽覺變化,裝置加熱與冷卻的循環時間為17分鐘,當一個裝置在加熱時,另一個就在冷卻,現場兩支麥克風分別收兩個金屬裝置加熱冷卻過程的聲響,透過耳機,一左一右聲道,呈現兩邊相對的聽覺。兩個螢幕的內容分別是這兩個裝置在錄音室裡紀錄的低躁版聲音和影像。


Relativity +/-RAW

Form: Sound installation
Year: 2011
Length: 17 minutes loop
Media: Stainless steel, iron, cardioid microphone, electric heater, computer


The slight changes in our daily lives are hard to detect; perhaps it is doable, but it is difficult for our senses to describe precisely these changes using numerical and quantitative data. During the residency period in Tokyo, Chang Yung-Ta noticed that aluminum windows created a minute sounds due to its shrinking and expanding in winter. When these shrinking and expanding happen because of the subtle temperature change, our skin is a great detector of the difference but it is unable to differentiate precise and subtle changes—it can only be compared to one another.


With a special heating device, the internal special structure undergoes a slight change of temperature, causes a contraction and breathing like rhythm. Under the relatively calm exterior, a faint delicate sound pulsates. “Relatively +/-“ Raw has two metal heating devices, with one of these heating devices cut open to show the internal structure and state, including the glowing red hot electric system. The other heating device keeps its original form, letting the audience directly see the heating and cooling as well as the changes is sound due to this change of temperature. The heating device heats and cools with a loop of 17 minutes. When one of these heating devices heats up, the other cools down. Two microphones, each recording the sound of a heating device separately, stream the two sets of sound into a pair of earphones so that the left ear and right ear are playing contrary sounds. Two monitors display sounds and images of each heating devices that recording in a studio room separately.


ꕥ 作品介紹 3

「Y現象-四聲道版」ver. 2



長度:8’38” 循環



點狀顆粒化的聲響,遊走於密集與分解之間,在空間游離蔓延; 與聲響同步的點狀視覺,在空間中與聲響彼此衝撞,穿越身體。 -張永達 身處在充滿複製、再現的世界,人們已過度慣於相信眼前所見所聽所聞,原本是什麼似乎已不再那麼重要。生活中充斥著各種聲響:噪音、環境音、人聲等, 將這些聲音紀錄下來,做的並不是環境聲響,也不是具象音樂,而是想試驗環境聲響藉由噪音再現的可能性。




延續其聲音創作的探索本質,結合對資訊世代影音滿載現象的獨特觀點,創作者融合創作中一貫的低調冷冽視覺風格,以大膽卻細膩的聲響變化與分子顆粒狀態的動態視覺,於空間場域中互相碰撞、流竄,塑造出另類的感官迴圈。 以聲音粒子為電流,抽象動態光覺為導體,在這個獨特的環型場域中震盪出一種純粹的光音波動景觀,觀者將重新體驗聲音粒子與光束流穿越身體的快感,在看見與聽見之間穿梭。


YPhenomenon-Quadraphonic ver.2

Form: Sound video installation

Year: 2011 Length: 8’38” loop

Media: Computer, speaker, computer generated images


“Granulated sounds, sometimes concentrated, sometimes diffused spread through the space. Grainy images accompany and collide with the sounds, moving through your body.” – Chang Yung-Ta Living in a world full of reproductions and representations, Chang Yung-Ta thinks people have become too accustomed to believing in the authenticity of everything they see and hear, and the original version of these images and sounds seems to be no longer important. Our everyday lives are filled with all kinds of sounds: noise, ambient sounds, people speaking and other sounds, and Chang records them all, not to create musique concrete or ambient soundscapes, but rather to experiment with ambient sounds and explore the possibilities of noise reproduction.


Y Phenomenon is a series of sound-art pieces. The “Y” stands for the city of Yamaguchi in Japan. While the sound artist Chang Yung-Ta was participating in an internship at the Yamaguchi Center for Arts and Media, he collected the sounds of Japanese life, such as those from nature, those made by people, and traffic and television program sounds. Chang then granulated and rearranged the sounds using digital modulation techniques making each segment of sound into a tiny granule, which travels through the exhibition venue. With the new 2011 version of quadraphonic sounds and semicircular images, the viewer can experience the change in sound and visuals in space.


Chang Yung-Ta has consistently used a low-key, restrained visual style to extend the exploratory quality of his sound art productions and present his unique view of sound-image overload in the information age. Bold yet delicate sound variations are combined with granulated and dynamic visual elements, which drift and collide in the circular, 360 degree surrounding venue, forming an alternative sensory panorama. Using sound particles as electrical current, and the perception of abstract shifting light as a conductor, Chang creates pure landscapes of visual and aural fluctuations in this unique circular space. Viewers will enjoy the sensation of being immersed in granulated sound and light beams, which stimulate both the eyes and ears.

ꕥ 相關活動

開幕茶會/演出 opening


藝術家座談 Artist Talk


與談人Participant:王福瑞 Fujui WANG

藝術家Artist:張永達Yung-Ta CHANG 葉廷皓Ting-Hao YEH


特別演出 Special Performance


聲音/裝置Sound/Installation:張永達Yung-Ta CHANG

吉他噪音Guitar:吳秉聖Ping-Sheng WU