

𒁂展期 Duration:2015/05/23(六)-06/21(日)

𒁂開幕 Opening:2015/05/24   15:00  @噪咖大廳

𒁂地點 Venue:台北數位藝術中心

𒁂地址 Address:111台北市士林區福華路180號;近捷運淡水線芝山捷運站二號出口











本次展覽邀請了藝術家孫士韋(Shih-Wei,Sun)、彭徵維(Jheng-Wei,Peng)、戴嘉明(Jia-Ming,Day)、陳俊杰(Chun-Chien,Chen)、王尹聲(Yin-Sheng,Wang)、林書瑜(Shu-Yu,Lin)、魏德樂(Der-Lor,Way)、王秋雯(Chiu-Wen,Wang)、李奇璋(Chyi-Jang,Lee)、許素朱-小牛(Su-Chu,Hsu Xiaoniu),藉由新媒體對影像的操縱式、紀實式、再現式之召喚,共同瞭解此一虛實難辨之超現實場景。


𒁂Exhibition Introduction𒁂

The expansion of digital media transforms the future of technology into a wonderland of fertile imagination. The progress of digitalization offers a variety of unique experiences that were previously regarded as mysterious witchcraft, such as the elimination of the boundaries between time and space, the nearly infinite capability for data storage and calculation, as well as the significant increase in speed and efficiency. The way people experience the world will continue to change with the gradually shortened distance between humanity and technology. The emergence of new media will fundamentally transform the way people construct the reality. The media senses will blend perfectly with physical ones, which will result in the development and reconstruction of entirely different sensorial experiences.

Within this context, a “human being” is no longer an integral entity because technology has infiltrated the reality and deconstructed the certainty of human subjectivity. The coding system of digital technology establishes oceans of networks, namely an illusory realm that is not subject to any supervision and control. Human beings are codified into digital texts in the virtual space. Pieces of information are abstractly read, retrieved, replaced, and replicated, imbricating one another in a collective cultural context in a phantom-like manner. Failing to overcome the inertia of digitalization, the human body erodes and vanishes with its aimless drift in the electrical void.

Digital media has become the extension of the real world, that is, a new mysterious illusion. Against this background, this exhibition seeks to create a new digital experience of “embodiment” by performing the metaphorical ritual of interactive aesthetics, and thereby encourages reflections on subjective identities and the human condition. The participating artists in this exhibition include Shih-Wei Sun, Jheng-Wei Peng, Jia-Ming Day, Chun-Chien Chen, Yin-Sheng Wang, Shu-Yu Lin, Der-Lor Way, Chiu-Wen Wang, Chyi-Jang Lee, and Su-Chu Hsu. Employing new media, these talented artists summon up the images through manipulation, documentation and representation, collectively helping the viewers grasp the elusive and surreal scenery.





Rung-Huei Liang

Rung-Huei Liang currently teaches in the Dept. of Industrial and Commercial Design at National Taiwan University of Science and Technology. He holds the Spatial Media Research Group, which focuses on interaction design, virtual reality, aesthetic computing, and electronic art. Graduated from Multimedia Lab. in the Dept. of Computer Science and Information Engineering at National Taiwan University, Ph. D. Liang is interested in multi-disciplinary integration. He devotes himself to leading students to create new form by taking technology as material.




戴嘉明畢業於紐約Pratt Institute電腦繪圖研究所,現任教於國立臺北藝術大學新媒體藝術學系,曾任實踐大學媒體傳達設計學系主任,專長為數位動畫、媒體整合設計、視覺設計。






王尹聲目前為臺北藝術大學新媒體藝術學系研究生。專長為AE動畫、視覺與裝置設計,主要創作媒材為動畫與裝置。個展經歷2013《M˙FACTORY》,東海大學美術學系「A+藝術空間」、2015《超越實驗II –『貞子的復仇 』》,國立台灣美術館TdAic,線上展。























𒁂About the Artist𒁂

Jia-Ming Day

Jia-Ming Day earned his master’s degree in computer graphics from Pratt Institute, New York. He was the dean of the Department of Communications Design, Shih Chien University, and is presently a faculty member in the Department of New Media Art, Taipei National University of the Arts. He specializes in digital animation, integrated media design, and visual communication design.


Chun-Chien Chen

As a freelance 3D animation creator, Chun-Chien Chen is interested in 3D animation, special visual effects, photography, and 3D printing. He used to work as a 3D art designer at Bluephoenix New Media Arts founded by artist Jun-Ting Lin. He was also responsible for special visual effect design in many large-scale projects when he worked at Engine Studios founded by animation director Vick Wang.


Yin-Sheng Wang

Yin-Sheng Wang is presently a graduate student in the Department of New Media Art, Taipei National University of the Arts. He specializes in AE animation, visual and installation design. Animation and installation serve as his primary creative media. He not only staged his solo exhibition M˙FACTORY at A+art space, Department of Fine Arts, Tunghai University in 2013, but also participated in the online exhibition Extend Experimental Animation – II : Entity Ghost hosted by Taiwan Digital Art and Information Center, National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts.


Der-Lor Way

Der-Lor Way earned his doctorate degree in computer science from National Chiao Tung University. He was the dean of the Department of New Media Art and the director of the Graduate School of Arts and Technology, Taipei National University of the Arts, and is presently a faculty member in the same Department. He specializes in interactive art, virtual reality, and multimedia.


Shu-Yu Lin

Shu-Yu Lin graduated from the Department of Electro-optical Engineering, National Taipei University of Technology, and is presently a graduate student in the Department of New Media Art, Taipei National University of the Arts. He is an adjunct lecturer on technology and art in Zhuwei Senior High School. He specializes in interactive installation and image art.


Shih-Wei Sun

Shih-Wei Sun earned his doctorate degree in Electrical Engineering from National Central University. He is not only a faculty member in the Department of New Media Art, Taipei National University of the Arts, but also the director of Ultra-Communication Vision Lab at the Center for Arts and Technology in the same university. He specializes in 3D signal processing of depth camera, application of mobile device sensors, and application of computer-based visual interaction.


Jheng-Wei Peng

Jheng-Wei Peng is a graduate student in the Department of New Media Art, Taipei National University of the Arts.


Chiu–Wen Wang

Chiu-Wen Wang is a graduate student in the Department of New Media Art, Taipei National University of the Arts. She specializes in Internet art and interactive art. The subject of her creations primarily concerns the issues related to Internet communities and focuses on the feeling of empathy in the virtual world as well as the alienation caused by compulsive Internet use.


Chyi-Jang Lee

Chyi-Jang Lee earned his doctorate degree in computer science and information engineering from Tamkang University. He is presently an assistant professor in the Department of Information Communication, Hsing Wu University, and an adjunct assistant professor in the Department of New Media Art, Taipei National University of the Arts. He is interested in philosophical speculations and cultural studies, and has taught in an interdisciplinary manner for a long time. He specializes in multimedia information system, interactive design, database system, Internet technology, and cloud computing.


Xiaoniu Su-Chu Hsu

Xiaoniu Su-Chu Hsu earned her doctorate degree in computer science from National Tsing Hua University. She is the dean of the School of Film and New Media, Taipei National University of the Arts, a faculty member in the Department of New Media Art in the same university, and the founding chairperson of the board of directors, Taiwan Art and Technology Association. She specializes in interactive art, future museum, as well as cultures and creativity regarding technology and art. As a pioneer in and a promoter of technology and art in Taiwan, she carried out numerous research projects and relevant artistic creations commissioned by Ministry of Technology, Ministry of Economic Affairs, and Ministry of Education. She has tried to fulfill her personal aspiration towards being a chivalrous woman who roves all over the world.

𒁂作品介紹 1

名稱 │ 三位一體(3 in 1)

形式 │ 影像複合媒材

年份 │ 2014-2015

長度 │ 4分鐘循環

媒材 │ 版畫、錄像、3D列印、動畫

藝術家 │ 戴嘉明 、陳俊杰 、王尹聲


林智信老師的版畫藝術已獲國際美術館肯定,其圖像元素在國際藝術上受崇高注目。本作品將其靜態形式轉換為立體與動畫形式,建置台灣第一個以「迎媽祖」版畫為素材之動畫創作設計。作品將以四部分呈現構成最終動畫的主題,分別為作品A : Animation(動畫),作品B : Style(原作風格)、作品C : Character(3D角色建模)與作品D : Action(動作捕捉),作品名稱三位指的是Style、Character、Action,而一體指的是3D Animation。Style部分將以原作裁切成活動關節,賦予2D版畫生命形式。Character將以3D列印出藝陣遊行表演者,並將其排列成遊行狀態,將角色立體化過程以實體物件方式呈現,運用當下流行的3D列印技術。Action以錄影方式呈現,將藝陣表演者在未化妝與穿戴的狀況下演出姿勢,藉此捕捉最原始的肢體影像,該動作運用Kinect移動式動作捕捉系統,將動作資料結合風格與角色,完成最終動畫。


𒁂Work 1

Title: 3 in 1

Form: video (mixed media)

Year of Creation: 2014-2015

Length: 4-min loop

Media: printmaking, video, 3D printing, animation

Artist: Jia-Ming Day、Chun-Chien Chen、Yin-Sheng Wang


Chih-Hsin Lin’s works of printmaking have been recognized internationally as an important component for the international art scene. The work 3 in 1 transforms the static form of printmaking into a 3D animation, which is the first animation in Taiwan featuring the cerebration of Mazu Festival. This animation is divided into four parts, namely animation, style, character, and action. The latter three parts constitute the trinity, to wit, the 3D animation. In the part of style, the figures in the printmaking are equipped with moveable joints and therefore become animated. In the part of character, the performers are created with 3D printing and arranged in the form of a parade. The process of transforming 2D characters into 3D ones is presented in the form of physical objects with the popular 3D printing technology. The part of action takes the form of recording, presenting the postures of religious festival performers who did not wear makeup and costumes, and thereby captures the purest images of body motions with the Kinect motion capture system. The animation is finally completed by integrating the data of action, style, and character.


𒁂作品介紹 2

名稱 │ 影皮隨我身(A shadow puppet follows me only)

形式 │ 影像互動空間裝置

年份 │ 2015

媒材 │ 電腦、電腦軟體生成影像

藝術家 │ 魏德樂、林書瑜





𒁂Work 2

Title: A shadow puppet follows me only

From: interactive spatial-visual installation

Year of Creation: 2015

Media: computer, computer software generated image

Artist: Der-Lor Way、Shu-Yu Lin


The iconoclasm unveils the fragmentary images of the decentralized post-modern age. The clash of different value systems leads to an endless cycle of re-deconstruction and re-construction. Being caught in such a predicament, people often feel lonely and frustrated at not being understood. This work seeks to create the experience of deconstruction and reconstruction by transforming the manipulation of shadow puppets into that of human body.

Shadow puppets are provided by Kaohsiung Museum of Shadow Puppet.


𒁂作品介紹 3

名稱 │ 空間記憶(Spatial memory)

形式 │ 影像互動裝置

年份 │ 2015

媒材 │ 電腦

藝術家 │ 孫士韋、彭徵維、林暐智




𒁂Work 3

Title: Spatial Memory

Form: interactive visual installation

Year of Creation: 2015

Media: computer

Artist: Shih-Wei Sun、Jheng-Wei Peng、Wei-Chih Lin


Created with the technique of “representation,” this retrospective work features the images recorded during previous Kuandu Arts Festivals. The viewers are allowed to acquire knowledge or experience of different time and space from their interaction with this work. By conferring the power of choice to the viewers, this work attempts to “represent” the prevailing feelings evoked during the festivals, and thereby establishes a close connection with the viewers.


𒁂作品介紹 4

名稱 │ 我們「見面」,因手機(We “meet”by cell-phone)

形式 │ 網路行動藝術、App

年份 │ 2015

媒材 │ 電腦、智慧型手機、網路社群

藝術家 │ 王秋雯、李奇璋、許素朱(小牛)


智慧型手機的普及,人們依賴將手機作為溝通的媒介,也漸漸習慣不見面也能溝通的生活方式。也因此,久而久之人與人之間的疏離感隨之而生。本作品〈我們見面,因手機〉以一種逆向思維的方式來讓民眾使用手機──使用手機就是要「見面」。作品以網路行動藝術的方式來實現,為了滿足APP的多種作業系統,我們分別開發兩個模式:「拍照打卡」相見模式(Photo mode) for Android系統的手機,與「掃瞄打卡」相見模式(Scan mode) for IOS系統的手機。讓民眾一起響應使用手機就是要「見面」的理念,一起下載我們所開發的APP,相見打卡後,讓相見打卡的訊息上傳至Google map,此時手機不是扮演遠距溝通的媒介,而是敦使見面的媒介。本作品透過多人參與行動共同創造一個數位地圖風景,這樣的行動使得見面更有趣!


𒁂Work 4

Title: We “meet” by cell-phone

Form: Internet performance art, App

Year of Creation: 2015

Media: computer, smartphone, social network services

Artist: Chiu–Wen Wang、Chyi-Jang Lee、Xiaoniu Su-Chu Hsu


People have not only relied heavily on smartphones for communication due to the popularization of this kind of electronic devices, but also grown accustomed to communication without meeting each other, which inevitably resulted in a growing sense of alienation among people in the course of time. To investigate the sense of alienation, the work We “meet” by cell-phone reverses the way of communication; that is, the participants can communicate with each other by their smartphones only when they “meet” each other. This work is presented in the form of Internet performance art. To adapt to different APP systems, we developed two modes of operation: the Photo Mode for Android system and the Scan Mode for IOS system. We expect the public to echo our philosophy of meeting by cell-phone. After installing the App developed specifically for this work, the participants can check in when they meet and upload their check-in messages to Google Map. Within this context, cell-phones are not so much a medium for remote communication as a medium for encouraging face-to-face gathering. This work therefore creates a digital landscape through the public participation, making face-to-face communication more mesmeric and riveting.

𒁂相關活動 1




主持人│梁容輝 〈台灣科技大學工商業設計系副教授〉


戴嘉明 〈台北藝術大學新媒體藝術學系助理教授〉
魏德樂 〈台北藝術大學新媒體藝術學系教授〉
孫士韋 〈台北藝術大學新媒體藝術學系助理教授〉
王秋雯 〈台北藝術大學新媒體藝術研究所研究生〉

地點│台北數位藝術中心 噪咖大廳


𒁂相關活動 2


6/28(日)14:00-17:00 「K.T.科藝獎-互動藝術組座談會」


1. 許素朱教授:互動藝術&人文創意空間
2. 王照明教授:淺談情感運算
3. 林豪鏘教授:電腦視覺與科技藝術
