
➽ 展期 Duration:2013/03/16 (六) – 2013/04/22 (一)

➽ 開幕 Opening:2013/03/23 (六) 15:30 噪音咖啡廳

➽ 地點 Venue:台北數位藝術中心

➽ 地址 Address:111台北市士林區福華路180號;近捷運淡水線芝山捷運站二號出口

➽ 展覽介紹

文/ 李柏廷

『具體而微』 是 創作者李柏廷透過自身疾病經驗以及對社會的觀察結合而成的系列作品。定期輸血是他對抗自身先天性地中海貧血的生活方式,這樣強制的方式才可以使失衡的身體 保持運作,也是他的身體必須遵守的強制自然。對照存在於社會體制內的我們,企圖衝破現有社會的規則,透過網路文化發聲,為失序的群體社會建立平行的對話機制,在虛實轉換間的我們,在真空的虛擬世界,跨出螢幕框架後的我們,是否也因而產生了現在失衡的生活狀態。




➽ Exhibition Introduction

“The Miniature System” is a series of works by Lee, Po-Ting based on a combination of his own illness experience and social observation. As a patient of thalassemia, he needs blood transfusions regularly in his daily life. With the mandatory treatment, he can keep the body functioning well and comply with the laws of nature. Compared with us living in the society system, we attempt to break the social rules by voicing ourselves through the internet culture and creating parallel conversations for a disorderly society so that we convert between fiction and reality in a vacuum virtual world, behind the screen framework resulting in a state of imbalance of living.

In the exhibition, every piece of work was created from different symptoms. Each small group has its mode of operation and independent fragment of imbalanced body. They are used to operate with this flawed system. Except for the independent system, there are connections between works by interaction; the audience is also an important role of the variables of body. The crowd appearing in each piece is the epitome of the disease factor; they formed society and coexist with the object to be projected and become a political structure.

After participating in the 2nd Digital Arts Performance Award by ”The Process of Death” under the name XOR, he combined the kinetic installation with 3D printing in the solo exhibition. Continued with the story of human body, he analyzed the deepest side within human’s heart and destroyed the prison of soul through the method of digital art, then contrast to the disorderly society, jobs, life which derived the forced nature that we keep trying to confront nowadays.

➽ 關於藝術家

李柏廷 LEE,Po-Ting



2012「2012新媒體藝術卓越獎 」
2011「數位藝術表演獎 」首獎 (XOR)
2010「台北數位藝術節 聲音藝術類」入選



2012「廣達電腦特展」 廣藝廳 桃園
2012「顫‧動‧感」數位藝術裝置展 K11 香港
2012 「數位漫舞時代」臺北數位藝術中心 台北
2012 「Gosung Art Festival」 Gosung 韓國
2012 「海尼根夢發光空間設計展」華山藝文特區 台北
2012 「2012新媒體藝術卓越獎 」 關渡美術館 台北
2011 「超常雕塑」南海藝廊 台北
2010 「雕塑集展」北藝大系館 關渡
2009 「Haslla Art World 國際藝術研討會 」江臨 韓國
2009 「,And land 六人雕塑聯展」 北藝大QQ草原 關渡


2012 「梨園新意-操偶計畫」廣藝廳 桃園
2012 「梨園新意-操偶計畫」南港瓶蓋廠 台北
2012 「海馬赫茲」台北數位藝術中心 台北
2011 「死亡的過程」華山1914文創園區 台北
2011 「子宮失聲06 」子宮藝文 高雄
2011 「失聲祭Listen54」南海藝廊 台北
2010 「2010 超響 transonic」 北藝大戲劇聽 關渡


2012 「香港週 — 城雙成對 香港 x 台北舞蹈交流」 玫瑰古蹟 台北
2011「第二層皮膚2」‭ ‬互動裝置‭ ‬沽嶺街小劇場‭ ‬台北
2011「雲門二‭ ‬春鬥‭ ‬遊戲場」‭ ‬裝置‭ ‬台北、台中、高雄
2010「交響樂計畫—壹、機械提琴」‭ ‬裝置‭ ‬西門紅樓‭ ‬台北


2012 V2_Institute for the Unstable Media 荷蘭


➽ About the Artist

LEE, Po-Ting, born in 1986, Taipei, has an almost incurable disease known as Thalassemia, which is the inspiration for his creations. LEE’s major at his university was sculpture and worked chiefly on kinetic installation as well as sound work. LEE is currently studying in the Graduate institute of Arts and Technology at Taipei National University of the Arts. He attempts to combine the kinetic installation and sound works. In 2011, LEE and his friends formed the interdisciplinary art group XOR. The group received the first prize of Digital Arts Performance Award in 2011. Since then, they have been collaborating with various choreographers and fashion designers, and still seeking for new collaborators to extend the possibilities of their art.


2012 「Outstanding New Media Award」
2011 「Digital Art Performance Award,The first prize (XOR)」
2011 Selecting by「Kaohsiung Award」
2010 「SANCF Award」
2010 Selecting by「The Digital Art Awards Taipei(DAA Taipei) Sound Award」


2012 「Tremble.Movement.Perception」K11, Hong Kong
2012 「We Cyborg, We Dance.」Digital Art Center, Taipei
2012 「Gosung Art Festival」Gosung Korea
2012 「Heineken Dream Speace」,Huashan1914 Crative Park , Taipei
2012 「Outstanding New Media Award」Kuandu Museum of Fine Art ,Taipei
2011 「Extraordinary Sculpture」,Nanhai Gallery,Taipei
2010 「Sculpture Exhibition collection」Kuandu Taipei
2009 「Haslla Art World ,International Art workshops」,Korea
2009 「,And land, Sculpture Exhibition 」TNUA, Kuandu , Taipei
2006 「TESTER4-Experimental Photography Exhibition」,Nan-Bei Gallery ,Kuandu , Taipei


2012 「 Hippocampal Hz」,Digital Art Center , Taipei
2011「The Process of Death」,Huashan1914 Crative Park , Taipei
2011 「The Revolver」,Lacking Sound Fest. L54, Taipei
2011 「The Revolver」,Wombbloc Arts,Kaohsiung
2010 「2010 transonic」TNUA Experimental Theater ,Kuandu ,Taipei


2011「Second Skin 2011」,Guling Street Avant-garde Theatre ,Taipei
2011「Cloud Gate 2Spring Riot Dance Performance Season」,Taipei,Taichung,Kaohsiung
2010「Symphony Project. Violin」 ,The Red House ,Taipei


2012 V2_Institute for the Unstable Media , Nederland

➽ 作品介紹 1 

噪動 Disturbance



尺寸:2m x 3m x 3m



在我們生活的這個時代,透過網路和各種媒體將人群緊密的連結在一起,經 過渲染放大,對於突發事件我們常常會被同化成相同的思考邏輯,當思考開始同 質化,人們很可能在被誤導後做出類似過敏的群體反應, 尤其在網路時代,即時 多向溝通的媒體,跨越空間限制,引發急促蝴蝶效應;因為媒體,社會轉變為易 過敏體質。

《噪動》是一件以聲音為互動界面的影像動力裝置;裝置的外觀是由二分法數學模擬生物體的類有機立體模型經由以加法為製作過程的3D Printer生產而成,代表一個人為的無機架構,虛擬媒體的實體化;類似星球的球體上面有數個小洞,不定時會投影出人的影像從洞裡跑出來觀察外面的世界;球體是由許多分開的板塊組成,板塊間有裂縫,球體內部有數個馬達分別控制不同板塊,透過球體中的麥克風收音,音量的大小會造成球體板塊的震動,當現場到達一定音量或頻率時,板塊間的縫隙會變大,而大批慌亂人群會從細縫中奔跑出來,幾乎將球體表面佔滿,過一陣子後又會慢慢消退回到細縫內,靜待下一次的爆發…


Form: Video / kinetic installation interactive with sound
Year: 2013

Size: 2m x 3m x 3m

Media: Computer, speakers, video, motors, microphone


Allergic reactions occur when a person’s immune system reacts negatively to normally harmless substances in the environment. The specific substance that causes a reaction is called an allergen which is seemed to be harmful. Allergic reactions are distinctive because of excessive activation of certain white blood cells called mast cells and basophils by a type of antibody called Immunoglobulin E (IgE).
In this day and age we live in, through the Internet and various media types, crowds of people are closely linked together. With the help of these media types the crowds seem to connect through the same type of logical thinking. When the thinking is too much alike however, people are likely to be misled creating a widespread reaction which is similar to having an allergic reaction. In the era of the internet and real-time multimedia of communication across space, it is easy for wrong information to trigger mass hysteria and create a butterfly effect which spreads throughout the internet, transforming society to allergy sufferers.
Disturbance is a video and kinetic installation which is interactive by sound. The appearance of the installation is made by Binary. I use binary to produce the organic like skin and print it with 3D Printer. The process is addition, which represents an artificially inorganic framework and virtual media entities. There are multiple small holes above the planet-like sphere; it will sporadically project the images of a human running out of the cave to observe the outside world. The sphere is composed of many separate plates, which have some cracks on it. There are several motor control different plates, through the microphone in the sphere; the volume cause the vibration of the sphere plate, when it reaches a certain volume or frequency, the gaps between the plates become larger, and plenty of panic crowd will run out from the slit, filled almost to the surface of the sphere, and will gradually subside after a while and then return to the slit waiting for the next outbreak…


➽ 作品介紹 2

癱瘓工程 Paralysis Engineering








呼吸 繁衍 循環 代謝




Paralysis Engineering
Form: Video / kinetic installation
Year: 2013

Size: 1.5m x 1.5m x .5m

Media: Clock, video


The city is functioning regularly.

Living in the miniature system,

Breathing, multiplying, circulating, metabolizing and paralyzing the time,

they are still used to maintain the sick mechanism.


➽ 作品介紹 3

輸送影子Transporting The Shadow

尺寸:0.4m x 1m x 3.5m


跟進黑暗 成了唯一的出路


Transporting The Shadow
Form: Video / kinetic installation
Year: 2013
Size: 0.4m x 1m x 3.5m
Media: Mixed media


The conveyor belt is carrying many objects, including its own shadow. The crowd must try to exist in the shadows without being found. Once they are exposed, they must immediately follow up, not to expose themselves under the light.


➽ 作品介紹 4

彼端 There We Go

尺寸:0.5m x 1m x 3m



隨著每一次的循環 釋放 蒸發


There We Go
Form: Video / kinetic installation

Size:0.5m x 1m x 3m

Media: Video, balloon, motor, inflator pump


Transparent ideas,
With every cycle of release and vaporize
Accumulates in a red indefinite form container
They can feel ideas accumulate vaguely
Rather than calculate the capacity of the container
Cycle cannot be stopped
Silent until the last moment

➽ 相關活動

14:50-15:00 貴賓簽到
15:00-15:05 長官致詞
15:05-15:30 藝術家介紹展覽
15:30-15:45 藝術家現場導覽、茶會
15:45- 藝術家座談(牛俊強、蒲帥成、王柏偉、馬維元)





