《皿—黃浩旻個展》The PetriDish: Huang Hao-Min Solo Exhibition

● 藝術家 Artist:黃浩旻 Huang Hao-Min
● 製作出品 Produced by:財團法人數位藝術基金會 Digitial Art Foundation
● 特別感謝 Special Thanks:國家文化藝術基金會 National Culture and Arts Foundation
The PetriDish is an interactive installation. The audiences will be wearing virtual reality helmets; their perception transported into the space within the device. They can move in the virtual space freely, and to see the environment as they move, therefore gradually perceive the new space in the device as “reality”. When the audience members’ vision move to the edge of the image, the glass curtain around them will be activated, becoming transparent, revealing the world beyond the device. The audience will see the image outside of the device, and their own self in it. At this moment, while their perception stay within the device, they cans see their body from the outside, they will experience a complex feeling that comes from the separation of mind and body. It will stimulate them to discover and reflect on the idea that the world is constructed virtual reality, as humans we do not yet fathom where consciousness and perception really come from.