台灣數位藝術中心 Vol.8 | 皿—黃浩旻個展 The PetriDish: Huang Hao-Min Solo Exhibition – 台灣數位藝術中心
  • 2021/
  • 05/
  • 07
  • 2021/
  • 07/
  • 09

皿—黃浩旻個展 The PetriDish:
Huang Hao-Min Solo Exhibition

概念美術館 ARThon 官方頻道

《皿—黃浩旻個展》The PetriDish: Huang Hao-Min Solo Exhibition

● 藝術家 Artist:黃浩旻 Huang Hao-Min
● 製作出品 Produced by:財團法人數位藝術基金會 Digitial Art Foundation
● 特別感謝 Special Thanks:國家文化藝術基金會 National Culture and Arts Foundation
The PetriDish is an interactive installation. The audiences will be wearing virtual reality helmets; their perception transported into the space within the device. They can move in the virtual space freely, and to see the environment as they move, therefore gradually perceive the new space in the device as “reality”. When the audience members’ vision move to the edge of the image, the glass curtain around them will be activated, becoming transparent, revealing the world beyond the device. The audience will see the image outside of the device, and their own self in it. At this moment, while their perception stay within the device, they cans see their body from the outside, they will experience a complex feeling that comes from the separation of mind and body. It will stimulate them to discover and reflect on the idea that the world is constructed virtual reality, as humans we do not yet fathom where consciousness and perception really come from.

黃浩旻畢業於台灣科技大學電機工程學系,在大學就讀的期間,他發現對於自造者運動與創作的興趣,常以改造科技物和材料錯置的手法進行實驗或創作,鍛鍊出對事物審視並再設計的獨特能力。從而進入噪咖藝術有限公司實習,由跨領域環境接觸新媒體藝術工作。更加確立他投入藝術工作的傾向,帶領他進入清華大學跨院碩士科技藝術組就讀。 清華大學的研究環境幫助他學習創意編程與互動裝置的知識,以此為基礎他開始嘗試以虛擬實境與動力裝置交互的方法進行創作,討論視覺與空間認知關係,並延伸為對自身生命狀態的提問。

Huang Hao-Min graduated from National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, Department of Electrical Engineering. During his time of study, he discovered his interest in the maker movement and the process of creation. He often uses the technique of transforming scientific objects and misplacing materials to experiment and create works. From the process he obtained the unique ability to examine material and to redesign them. He made an internship at noiseKitchen Art Co.,Ltd., and started to do new media art creation in an interdisciplinary environment. It further confirmed his interest and passion in art, and led him into the decision to study at National Tsing Hua University, International Intercollegiate MS Program – Art and Emerging Technology. The experimental environment at NTHU provides him with the knowledge in creative programing and interactive devices. Grounded up in that, he started to explore the ways to alternate virtual reality and power devices as a creative process; discussing the relationship between vision and perception, and extended into posing questions regarding the state of living.