Vol.12|城市隱匿 <br>Hidden City

➤展 期Duration : 2022/11/11(五) – 2023/1/13(五)
➤開 幕Opening : 2022/11/11(五)15:00-16:00
➤地 點Venue : 台灣數位藝術中心 Digital Art Center.TW (台北市士林區中山北路六段431-1號B1)

➤講 座Speech :

▍城市解鎖 虛擬展廳設計分享
主持 | 王柏偉
與談 | 游鎬瑋、蔡侑儒、陳思宇、賴彥臻

講者 | 小樽


◙ 展覽介紹  ◙ 

「#城市隱匿」展覽為 嘉義美術館 發起的展覽,希望突破美術館物理空間的框架,透過雲端線上展廳 達到虛實整合的數位體驗,並由財團法人數位藝術基金會設計執行,企圖以數位時代網絡思維及觀看的體感技術,擴充類比式的物質條件,創造新數位敘事經驗。身處線上林業城市,將隱藏的歷史紋理,揉合進當代科技互動之中,形塑未來城市的樣貌,轉譯藝術家作品中的綺想,創造了方慶綿的馬戲棚、蘇旺伸的嘉南魚塭、李承亮的物件宇宙、邱承宏的水泥動物海灘、林莉酈的日常攝影棚與洪譽豪的點雲街區等多樣的場景,一同穿越看不見的城市。


◙ 藝術家 ◙
方慶綿、李承亮、林莉酈、邱承宏、洪譽豪、蘇旺伸 (按姓名筆劃排序)


◙ Exhibition Introduction◙ 

“Hidden City” is an exhibition conceptualized and organized by Chiayi Art Museum. The initiative is aimed to break through the limitations of physical space and to realize an integrated digital experience through the format of an online exhibition. The online venue is designed and executed by Digital Art Foundation. The Foundation attempts to employ the network thinking of the digital era and somatosensory technology for the viewing experience to extend beyond the material conditions of analog technology. In this online version of the city which used to rely on the forestry industry, the hidden historic contexts are interwoven with contemporary interactive technology, manifesting the appearance of a future city through re-enterpreting artists’ fantasies. The viewers are invited to this fantasied hidden city which accommodates the circus booth by FANG Ching-Mian, the Chiayi–Tainan fish farm by SU Wong-Shen, the universe of objects by LI Cheng-Liang, the beach of concrete animal sculptures by CHIU Chen-Hung’s, the photo studio by LIN Li-Li, and the point-cloud cityscape by HUNG Yu-Hao.


FANG Ching-Mian、Cheng-Liang、LIN li-li、CHIU Chen-Hung、HUNG Yu-Hao、SU Wong-shen