● 藝術家 鄭伊婷 Artist:Cheng Yi-Ting

● 主辦單位 Organizer:財團法人數位藝術基金會 Digitial Art Foundation

● 營運贊助 國家文化藝術基金會 Support:National Culture and Arts Foundation

※ 無入場費、線上預約 Free admission, online reservation ※





In a space isolated from the rest of the world, without the existence of others as an anchoring point, can one’s life still be construed the same as it used to be?

Staying alone in a room that delimits time and space that is not of this world, I travel within through time and space. In this confined space, time gets blurry and confusing…
Starting from the situation of “being isolated,” this work is aimed to reproduce a certain sense of stagnation of space and time, of repetition, and of inescapable fate. By delivering an immersive visual experience with a VR device, along with a synchronized installation as well as a narrative that blends images and tactile senses, this work offers a media experience that channels in an otherworldly dimension of time and space.


| 藝術家 Artist |


Cheng Yi-Ting received her Bachelor from Department of Communications Design in Shih Chien University in 2021.

Most of her works are specializing in new media installations, digital art and videos.
She went to University of Fine Arts in Poznan as an exchange student in 2020. Her artwork《2020 -THE GREAT PLAGUE 》was exhibited in Poland, Germany, and Taiwan.
Cheng currently lives and works in Taipei, Taiwan.