2018下半年度,數位藝術基金會舉辦「科技藝術典藏基礎計畫(Save Media Art)」三場科技藝術典藏系列講座,以計畫主持人陳禹先、林子荃兩位長期研究與關注經驗,自美術館典藏管理事務的田野經驗中,分享永續典藏科技藝術作品所面臨的問題及介紹國際上較盛行的理論實務。 2019年7月,奠基於前三場講座,邀請三位國際研究人員:Aneet Dekker、Jonathan Farbowitz、Emma Dickson,與陳禹先、林子荃進行兼具理論與實務角度的跨國對談,以網路藝術研究者、時基藝術修復師的眼界,與台灣觀眾分享他們行走於網路藝術保存與維護一途上的經驗。  
★2019.7.24(三)20:00 – 21:00 科技藝術典藏 系列講座六 Jonathan Farbowitz、Emma Dickson 【古根漢美術館x紐約大學 – 鄭淑麗〈Brandon〉 網路藝術典藏品修復案例 / Guggenheim x NYU – Restoring Collection of Shu Lea Cheang’s Brandon】 Commissioned by the Guggenheim in 1998, Brandon is a seminal web artwork by Shu Lea Cheang. However, the fast-evolving technological landscape of the web caused a number of Brandon’s features to fail. Thus, the artwork became the Guggenheim’s first ever online restoration project as part of its Conserving Computer-based Art initiative (CCBA). Jonathan Farbowitz and Emma Dickson, members of the multi-displinary restoration team, will discuss the technical details of the restoration, including how conservation ethics were applied to a migration of the artwork’s code from one programming language to another.