
▍「《數位荒原》駐站暨群島資料庫」系列座談 第9場 NML Residency & Nusantara Archive # 9


➤松學校特別場 | 2018.11.6(六)19:30 – 21:00
A Special Live Session by “Cut And Rescue”, 2018, 6th Nov, 7:30pm~21:00pm
➤主持人Host | 陳沛妤Doris Chen Pei-yu
➤講者Speakers | Angga Cipta、Syaiful Ardianto
(For English, see: http://www.heath.tw/……/nusantara-archive……/……


◙ 講座簡介 ◙


「無線電台的廣播劇在1980年代到1990年代的印尼曾經非常流行。每晚人們都在等待著,聆聽著許多電台播送的廣播聚集。現在,廣播劇由於受到電視劇或者肥皂劇的影響,而不再流行。這種情形也見於曾歷經1970年代到1990年代輝煌歲月的印尼電影產業,人們興奮地期待著印尼電影在戲院上映的時刻。如今每年只會拍幾部電影,而且只有非常少的好電影。我試圖用聲音拼貼的創作方式來探索這兩種曾在以前非常受歡迎的(大眾)媒體,並稱之為『Disrobot Radio』(佔用無線電台),從這1980年代到1990年代的11到15部電影裡擷取聲音片段。這些剪貼會被編輯成同一段對話,並重組為一套關當今於印尼社會、政治、文化處境的新敘事。我也會從我蒐集的不同老電影海報系列製作新的拼貼海報,這些海報的功能是,提示人們想像他們所聽見的廣播劇裡的不同角色。」(Angga Cipta))

“The Radio was very popular in the 80s-90s era in Indonesia. Every night people awaited and listened to the drama series of several radio stations. Now, the radio drama becomes unpopular which is changed by the tv drama or ‘sinetron’, It also happens to the glorious era of Indonesia movies in 70s-90s, people were getting excited to watch Indonesian movies in the cinema. Now only some movies are produced every year and there are only a few good ones. I try to elaborate the two media that were popular in the old time by the audio collage work. I called it ‘Disrobot Radio’ (hijacked radio), made from an audio cut from 11-15 movies in 80s-90s. I only cut for an interesting dialogue and reconstruct into a new story related to Indonesian social, politic, and culture condition nowadays. I also make posters for every series from old movie posters that I’ve collected. The poster is for people to imagine the characters from radio dramas that they hear.” (Angga Cipta)


◙ 講者簡介 ◙


Cut And Rescue為雅加達的藝術群體,他們在分享、研究、發展與生產觀念的處理手法上沒有任何限制。Cut And Rescue 的創作跨越各種媒材,包括圖像和文字拼貼、聲音和視頻片段,以及實驗性和表演性的互動。Cut And Rescue 名字的可以定義為「剪切和保存」,他們撿索、複製和保存在社群中蘊生的文化產物,而這些產物都是被認為是平庸和低級的,例如報紙上的新聞標題。而在藝術場景中,他們曾參與2012年雅加達32度C(最佳影片)、2013年雅加達雙年展(作為SIASAT 的一部份),也現身許多國內與國際音樂節表演。成員包括:Angga Cipta (Acih)、Gelar Soemantri、Gesyada Siregar、Reno Ganesha、Syaiful Ardianto;從2018年9月1日起受邀至竹圍工作室駐村兩個月。

Cut and Rescue is a Jakarta based art collective, it has no boundaries in the case of sharing, researching, developing and working the ideas. Cut and Rescue’ works across mediums, from a collage of images and texts, pieces of sounds and videos, as well as experimental and performative actions. The name of the group can be defined as a CUT AND SAVE. Cut and Rescue retrieves, copies, and saves cultural artifacts intertwined around the community, which had been considered banal and low, such as newspapers headlines. In the context of art, Cut and Rescue has participated in Jakarta 32°C 2012 (5 Best Work), Jakarta Biennale 2013, and appeared in several music festivals. Cut and Rescue is Angga Cipta (Acih), Gelar Soemantri, Gesyada Siregar, Reno Ganesha and Syaiful Ardianto.