運動体Absolute Motion 


在物理學中,「運動」是指物體在空間中的相對位置隨著時間而變化;而「體」在此則是一個以空間為形式的狀態。「運動体 Absolute Motion」此次展中,則是以建立在結構運動對應空間關係來作為創作基礎。透過串聯八位年輕藝術家由小至大的觀察日常生活間,眼前這樣動態與速度感產生當下的心裡狀態,以機械運動、聲動、光動、氣體運動等多樣媒材之方式形塑出獨特的律動關係與運動場景,作為此次展出內容。

展中藝術家王連晟「再生運動」、謝若琳「一切於一點」、羅禾淋「光體-資訊生物」、盂施甫「The “O” 001 ,003」,透過作品處理機械運動對應空間、結構關係,來牽動某種矛盾陌生的情緒經驗;而丁建中「空屋2」透過影像中運動關係的重新編制,呈現變異的空間尺度與重力狀態;張暉明「最後的玫瑰」利用光的律動,對應時間與速度的想像;而蒲帥成「築霧」,將影像投影於霧氣間,以氣體於空間中的動態,形塑有趣的影像關係;王新仁的開幕表演「移動中的共鳴」,則以數學運算為基礎去對應邏輯演算下的影像聲音關係。透過此次「運動体 Absolute Motion」展中藝術家之作品,陳述生活眼前一種運動、速度、空間關係間的美感經驗。


In physics, “motion” is a change in the position of an object with respect to time while “space” is the area in which the object exists. The main theme of the exhibition Absolute Motion is to explore the relationship between continuous motion and its space. Through a series of works by eight young artists, who are inspired by their daily observations, this exhibition covers a broad range of topics, from the mental reaction when a person experiences motion in high speed to the unique rhythms and scenes created by using various media for movements, such as mechanical device, audio, light, and fog.

Wang Lien-Cheng’s Regeneration Movement, Hsieh Jo-Lin’s All at One Point, Luo He-Lin’s Luminous–organism, and Yu Shih-Fu’s The “O” 001 ,003 all create a paradoxical emotional experience by looking into the relationship between mechanical motion and its structure and space. Din Chin-Chung’s Vacant Room 2 presents a distorted spatial scale and a false perception of gravity by reorganizing and editing the process of motion in the video. By manipulating the motion of light, Chang Huei-Ming captures the imagination of time and speed in his work The Last Rose. Pu Shuai-Cheng, in his work Fog Building, projects images into a blanket of fog and uses the gaseous movements to create a fascinating relationship between different images. In the opening show Moving Resonance, the artist Wang Aluan builds up a perfectly logical audio-visual relationship by utilizing mathematical algorithms. Through these works, a new aesthetic feeling of motion, speed, and space is presented to all viewers.



丁建中Din Chin-Chung



王連晟 Wang Lien-Cheng、王新仁 Wang Aluan、盂施甫 Yu Shih-Fu、蒲帥成 Pu Shuai-Cheng、張暉明 Chang Huei-Ming、謝若琳 Hsieh Jo-Lin、羅禾淋 Luo He-Lin


開幕 opening


開幕座談:王俊傑 阮慶岳


開放時間:每週二至週日(周一休館) 10:00~18:00





Opening Hours:Tue to Sun (Close on Mon) 10:00~18:00

Location:Digital Art Centre,Taipei

Tickets:Free Entry


