Live Live Seafood
➽ 展期 Duration:2013/05/11 (六) – 2013/06/16 (日)
➽ 開幕 Opening:2013/05/11 (六) 15:00
➽ 地點 Venue:台北數位藝術中心
➽ 地址 Address:111台北市士林區福華路180號;近捷運淡水線芝山捷運站二號出口
➽ 展覽介紹
隨著電學的發展,電生理學的研究也一併深入,人類從未停止追尋生命的本質,在實驗室中重現自然界裡與電相關的現象,並一再地召喚出足以代表(represent)生命的現象。18世紀的科學讓人類在文藝復興後,再次發現自己最具神性的奧秘是如此地接近,而透過技術與知識操作生命,因為電化學的加入,使生命與電的距離更為接近,構築出更為完整的理論想像,人造生命(artificial life)較上個世紀更顯得輕而易舉,也是在這樂觀的氛圍中,瑪麗‧雪萊*2寫下現代的普羅米修斯,表達人類在疏忽之中,將會被自身所造之物徹底摧毀的焦慮。
*1: 路易吉•伽伐尼(Luigi Galvani,1737-1798),義大利醫生和物理學家,1771年發現死青蛙的肌肉接觸電火花時會顫動,從而發現神經元和肌肉會產生電力。他是第一批涉足生物電(Bioelectricity)領域研究的人物之一,為今日神經生物學與電生理學研究的先驅。
*2: 瑪莉•雪萊(Mary Shelley,原名Mary Wollstonecraft Godwin,1797-1851)為英國著名小說家、散文與旅遊作家,因其1818年創作之《科學怪人》(Frankenstein)而被譽為科幻小說之母。
➽ Exhibition Introduction
<Live Live Seafood> addresses the dominant distribution of occidental culture that lies in the content of the history of scientific developments in modern biology, a common subject in different civilizations, and questions the absence of the diversity of historical narratives in science, and the possible scenario of multiregional origin of knowledge and techniques in the modern era. The discovery that led to modern electrophysiology was originated from Luigi Galvani’s popular legend of the incident in his experiment on static electricity. In the age when the existence of atomic particles were yet to be confirmed, vitalism was regarded as the explanation for the cause of the living form, and to this holistic perspective, Galvanism – the kicking legs of the dead frog and the resurrection of the executed murderer was perceived as a monument of mankind manipulating life through electricity, crossing the boundary between man and god. The subject in science eventually spread into other fields, resulting indirectly in cultural products such as Mary Shelly’s “Frankenstein”.
Cultivating new ideas and creative approaches would remain in vain without a cultural content as the medium, and modern scientific methods has been grown out of the heterogeneous soil. In an attempt to cultivate a translative basis for grafting the techniques to a different context, the project presents several documents and a set of videos to articulate a narrative of a fictional incident in a seafood restaurant seen in Southeast Asia. Like the discovery by Galvani, elements of surprise in everyday life often plays a critical role in scientific research throughout time, and a reinvention of an alternative history of science would perhaps lead to one as well.
➽ 關於藝術家
王鼎曄 Ding-Yeh Wang
2003 台灣藝術大學師生美展- 複合媒材類 / 第一名
2003 台灣藝術大學年度創作獎
2009 台北美術獎(入選)
2005 反骨柏林,王伯偉,李翡文, Joan 合著:La Vie 編輯部:台北
2011 宇宙旅人- 災難人生,王鼎曄 主編 : 八月/GAZE issue No.02
非後現代的觀察者情境:王鼎曄的【分身術︰夢遊者】/ 王柏偉
(全文刊載於《國家藝術基金會藝評台》2010 年 1 月)
群聚生成的競爭模式:王鼎曄的《人-人:關係之於生存》/ 王柏偉
(全文刊載於《藝術家》雜誌 2011 年 9 月號)
生命的重量 / 王柏偉 (全文刊載於《Art Plus》雜誌 2012 年 1 月號)
2001 Ding-Yeh Wang/我,國立台灣藝術大學,台北
2006 無主時代,信義公民會館,台北
2012 靈魂之輕,也趣藝廊,台北
2012 天空之城,國立臺灣美術館
張顥馨 Aushin Chang
2008 新光三越攝影大賽 / 入選
2009 第三期視覺藝術專業經營人才自行申請工作進修補助計畫
2010 台大創藝獎 / 優選
2008 Participant 2008夜市工作坊,成功大學
2009 Artist Assistant, SIGGRAPH Art Gallery <BioLogic> New Orleans, USA
Visiting Student, MIT Media Lab, MA, USA
2012 執行協力,<遇見綠光>新媒體藝術展,經典綠園道,台中
2009 展覽策劃 新品種-生物數位藝術暨生態攝影特展,台大生科系,國科會
2010 論壇統籌 論壇雙年展,台北當代藝術中心
➽ 相關活動
開幕茶會 opening
2013 / 05 /11(六) 15:00
藝術家座談 Artist Talk
2013 / 05 /11(六) 14:00
與談人:王柏偉 陳恒安