2021新舞臺藝術節X數位藝術基金會─《肉身到虛擬:極相林VR展》2021 CTBC Arts Festival X DAF-From Flesh and Blood to Virtuality

展期 Duration | 2021/12/10 – 2021/12/31
開幕 Opening | 2021/12/10 16:00
地點 Venue | 台灣數位藝術中心 Digital Art Center, Taiwan
※ 預約 Ticket|無入場費、線上預約 Free admission, online reservation https://booking.dac.tw/

◆ 藝術家 Artist | 何曉玫 Ho Hsiao-Mei
◆ 主辦單位 Organizer | 財團法人數位藝術基金會 Digitial Art Foundation、何曉玫MeimageDance
◆ 冠名贊助 Sponsor | 中國信託文教基金會 CTBC Foundation for Arts and Culture、2021新舞台藝術節 2021 CTBC Arts Festival
◆ 特別感謝 Special Thanks | 國家文化藝術基金會 National Culture and Arts Foundation、王騏三 、鄭亭玉、蔡蕙芬、張壯謀、林佳峰、林素春、周英戀、國立台北藝術大學 Taipei National University of the Arts

◆ 展覽介紹 | Exhibition Introduction

《極相林》以人的軀體變形為創作主題,雕塑性強,並強調身體的共感、舞者的肌理、關節分節的移動,原期待觀者能以較近的距離觀賞舞者的身體、身體與空間的互動,但鏡框式舞台由於距離的關係,使得觀眾無法經驗其儀式感與精神地景的微觀尺度。因此將在虛擬實境(Virtual Reality)中,透過肉身的巨大化效應與觀眾的近距離接觸,讓《肉身風景》不僅夠展現超現實的肉身奇觀,也讓參與者體驗到精神化的地景,進而實踐《極相林》舞作編創時,對生命的想像、痛、以及身體共感。

“renaissance of its Ashes” this original work, embeds a macroscopic scale microscopically and specifically into the performer’s own body to represent the spiritual landscape of the connection between the people and the divine. However, due to the distance from audience, performances in typical theater are unable to accurately deliver the microscopic scale of the sense of rituals and spiritual landscapes. Therefore, “The Scenery of Flesh and Blood” is able to represent better spiritual and ritual effects. Through the effects of scaling up the dancer’s body and close contacts with the avatar, “The Scenery of Flesh and Blood” can represent not only the surreal wonders of flesh and blood, but also allow participants to experience the spiritualized landscape.

◆ 關於藝術家 | About the Artist




Ho Hsiao-Mei is an artistic director of MeimageDance. The 19th National Award for Arts. Professor of the Dance Department, Taipei National University of the Arts. Curriculum consultant at Cloud Gate Dance Theatre’s studio.

HO’s work “Camouflage,” commissioned by The National Theater and Concert Hall in 2015, was also performed at Beijing Dance Festival; at the same year, UCLA invited her along with the company to perform “Camouflage” shorter version and to promote performing arts at the Workshop for Department of World Arts and Cultures. In 2014, she choreographed for “Above Taiwan Concert.” Her choreography “My Dear” (2013) won the Taishin Arts Award, and “Beyond the Pale” (2011), and “Woo! Barbie” (2010) were nominated for the pioneering award supporting Taiwanese artists. In 2009, “Middle” was invited to perform at International Organization of Stenographers Theatre Architects and Technicians (OISTAT) in Seoul, Korea. In 2006, Hong Kong Dance Festival invited her to present “My Freud.” Her work “The Covered Picture” was invited to Jacobs Pillow Dance Festival in 2001. In 2000, she served as the rehearsal director for Cloud Gate 2; also, she was a dancer as well as visiting choreographer for Cloud Gate. In 1995, HO was invited to be the commission choreographer at the American Dance Festival.

Hsiao-Mei HO’s early works were inspired by Taiwanese folk culture, exploring the cultural image of the Taiwanese and reflecting on the current social situation, using art as social commentary. Her works were often thought-provoking, reflecting Taiwan’s turbulence and diversity, with its underlying silence and intensity. At the present stage, she is famous for using strong and unique visual effect on stage to present human inner thoughts in modern society.

◆ 看展注意事項 Notes
.單次預約區段為 20 分鐘,限一人。
.理想體驗時間長度約為 5 分鐘。
. 過程如出現反胃、不適、眼睛疲勞或神智不清的情況,請告知工作人員。
. 考量到 VR 對於視覺的刺激,不建議 13 歲以下孩童觀賞。
.One booking duration is 20-minute and for 1 person only.
.The expected experience duration is approximately 5 minutes.
.Visiting the venue with the official reminder email is recommended.
.Your reservation will be canceled in the situation of not entering the venue within 10 minutes of the reserved time.
.If you experience dizziness or any discomfort during the experience, please take off the head-mounted device immediately, and inform onsite staff for assistance.
.VR screening is not recommended for children under the age of 13 as their eyesight may still be developing.
.If you have experienced or may experience nausea or any epileptic symptom, please be mindful.
.If you are used to wearing contact lenses, it is recommended to use contact lenses instead.