《Animated Images》動畫藝術展
ꕥ 展期 Duration:2010/05/01 (六) – 2010/05/23 (日)
ꕥ 地點 Venue:台北數位藝術中心
ꕥ 地址 Address:111台北市士林區福華路180號;近捷運淡水線芝山捷運站二號出口
ꕥ 展期 Duration:2010/5/5(三) – 2010/5/12(三)
ꕥ 地點 Venue:台北歌德學院
ꕥ 展覽介紹
創作論壇中,Anita Beckers 與藝術家Niklas Goldbach將介紹此一藝術型態的最新趨勢,並放映國際知名藝術家的動畫影片精選。展出作品涵蓋範圍很廣,包括從具有古典靜物畫美感的圖像語言,到以電腦製作的全新敘事形態。它們的共同點是與華特.班雅明(Walter Benjamin)在其開創性著作「機械複製時代的藝術作品」一書中的考量有關:動畫藝術是否能將情感的感受和作品的獨特性連結成一種新的「超自然」藝術氛圍?
十多年來,Anita Beckers以她位於法蘭克福的藝廊致力動畫的發展,Anita Beckers藝廊所舉辦的動畫展覽均呈現與傳統藝術媒介的對比。
Animation is now an essential part in the contemporary art works. The word “animation” is originated from the Latin word “animare”, signifying the awakening of life; it vividly describes the artistic practice of animation film. Through integrating photograph, sketch, and a single picture of painting, or by combining them, followed by an expansion via time factor, the narration of art can be expected to surpass the traditional art media. Besides, the classification of traditional art media and animation has nearly passed out of existence in the animation art area.
Anita Beckers and artist, Niklas Goldbach, will introduce the latest trend of this artistic form in the artist forum, and they’ll play the most appreciated animation films made by international famous artists. The works exhibited include a wide range of creations, from picturesque language with classical still life, to brand-new narrative form produced by computer. Their common characteristics are related to the considerations taken by the Das Kunstwerk im Zeitalter seiner technischen Reproduzierbarkeit, an creative work of Water Benjamin, specifically, could animation art connect the feeling of emotion and uniqueness of work to a new “supernatural” art atmosphere?
For the last ten years, Anita Beckers has been constantly devoted in the development of animation basing on her gallery located in Frankford; the animation exhibitions held at Anita Becker’s gallery present a contrast to the traditional art media.
ꕥ Anita Beckers Gallery
ꕥ 動畫片單
Kota Ezawa, Last Year at Marienbad, 4 min.
Niklas Goldbach, Habitat C3B 棲息地, 7.37 min.
Julia Oschatz, untitled (hinterglas)無題〈玻璃之後〉, 7.03 min.
Yves Netzhammer, Adressen unmöglicher Orte〈不可思議的地方的地址〉, 22 min.
Zhenchen Liu, Shanghai Express〈上海特快車〉, 6.17 min.
Philippe Grammaticopoulos / FR, Les Ventres〈大肚腩〉, 16.30 min.
Yin-Ju Chen & James T. Hong Mobilization〈 總動員 〉, 15 min. (Untertitel)
柯塔 艾札伐
1969 出生於德國科隆
1994 德國政府獎學金資助前往舊金山藝術學院進修
2003 史丹福大學藝術碩士學位
他擅長處理文化衝突事件,譬如2002年以動畫重建辛普森審判結果。他作品無數,贏得多項獎項,並曾在美國康乃迪克州的Wadsworth Atheneum藝術博物館舉辦個展《Matrix 154》,以及在紐約大都會藝術博物館的《攝影中的攝影:1960年代後對此媒材之省思》(Photography on Photography: Reflections on the Medium since 1960)。
Kota Ezawa
Born in Cologne, Germany, in 1969, Mr. Ezawa studied at the Kunstakademie Düsseldorf and went to California in 1994 on a scholarship from the German government to study at the San Francisco Art Institute. He ended up staying in this country, completing graduate art studies at Stanford University in 2003. His best works deal with culturally charged events, like a 2002 animated remake of the handing down of the verdict in the O. J. Simpson trial. For his widely recognized works he gained several awards and has been on solo shows as the “Matrix 154”, Wadsworth Atheneum Museum of Art, Hartford, CT / USA and “Photography on Photography: Reflections on the Medium since 1960” at the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York/ US.
尼可拉斯 郭巴赫
2001起 作品於歐美、亞洲各地展出
2004 優等成績畢業
2005 紐約市立大學杭特學院綜合媒體藝術碩士、柏林藝術大學碩士
2007 11月-2008年6月 巴黎東京宮的駐村藝術家
Niklas Goldbach
Niklas Goldbach studied photography at the University of Bielefeld and ‘Experimental Media Arts’ at the University of the Arts Berlin where he graduated with honours in 2004. In 2005 he majored in the MFA program ‘Integrated Media Arts’ at Hunter College, City University of New York and postgraduated with a “Meisterschüler” degree of the University of the Arts Berlin. Since 2001 his work has been exhibited throughout Europe, the United States and Asia. From November 2007 until June 2008 Niklas Goldbach was participant of the artist in residency program of the “Palais de Tokyo”, Paris.
茱莉亞 歐夏茲
1970 出生於達瑪斯特
2008 Leslie Tonkonow藝廊,紐約
2008 Kemper現代藝術館,及肯薩斯州
2009 CAB,Burgos
「Vertrautes Terrain」,Karlscrube ZKM
「Damaged Romanticism」,休斯頓大學美術館
2008 Lingen Kunst
Julia Oschatz
In Born in 1970 in Darmstadt Julia Oschatz studied at the Städelschule in Frankurt. Currently living and working in Berlin, she has just been recently awarded with the Lingen Kunst Prize (2008). Recent shows have included a solo presentation at the CAB in Burgos (2009), at the Leslie Tonkonow Gallery in New Work (2008) and the Kemper Art Museum of Contemporary Art in Kansas (2008). She has also been recently featured in the group exhibition “Vertrautes Terrain” in the ZKM in Karlsruhe (2008). and in the “Damaged Romanticism” exhibition at the Art Museum of the University of Houston (2008).
尤維 奈瑟曼
1970 出生於瑞士的沙夫豪森
他的個展曾在布萊梅美術館、舊金山現代藝術美術館、柏林昆斯特-維科現代藝術學院等重要展場展出與獲獎。奈瑟曼更在最近的威尼斯雙年展代表瑞士參展,並為2007年的Documentaz展製作了一項大型裝置藝術。他的作品受到伯爾尼藝術博物館(Kunstmuseum Bern)、澳洲的新舊藝術博物館、美國賓州的西集博物館和東京的CB Collection公開收藏。
Yves Netzhammer
Yves Netzhammer (Schaffhausen, Switzerland, 1970) lives and works in Zurich. From 1987 to 1990 he studied architecture at Schaffhausen, then moved to Zurich to complete his training in design and the visual arts. After exhibiting his works in solo shows in important venues like Kunsthalle Bremen, San Francisco MoMA, Kunst-Werke Berlin and winning a number of awards,
Netzhammer represented Switzerland at its national pavilion in the Giardini di Castello at the most recent Venice Biennale and created a big installation for the Karlskirche Kassel during the Documenta in 2007. His work is part of different public collections like Kunstmuseum Bern, Museum of Old and New Art (Mona) Hobard, West Collection Pennsylvania and the CB Collection Tokyo.
1976 出生於上海
1996-2005 上海藝術大學、法國尼斯國立藝術大學、倫敦雀兒喜藝術設計學院修習藝術與繪畫。
他頗受推崇的作品已獲獎數次,譬如巴黎的Prix Jeune Création 2008以及義大利第27屆阿梭羅藝術影展獲得建築與設計最佳影片。他目前分別於法國與中國居住、工作。
Zhenchen Liu
Born in 1976 in Shanghai, Zhenchen Liu studied Fine Arte and Painting from 1996 until 2005 at the Fine Art College of Shanghai University, Villa Arson, the National Art School of Nice (France) and the Chelsea College of Art and Design, London. His highly acclaimed works have been awarded several times at, e.g. the Prix Jeune Création 2008, Grand Halle de la Villette, Paris and the Best Film on Architecture and Design” & Best Competing Film / 27th AsoloArtFilmFestival, Italy. He currently lives and works in France and China.
菲利浦 葛馬提科波洛斯
2007 Les Signatures,「坎城影展」,金獅獎
他出版繪本小說並為法國世界報畫大量插圖。他的兩部影片,畢業製作片Le Processus以及Le Régulateur在全球各影展參展並取得獎項。葛馬提柯波洛斯現正籌拍一部彩色片與新的繪本小說。
Philippe Grammaticopoulos
Philippe Grammaticopoulos is graduated in Fine Arts from the Saint Luc Art School in Brussels (Belgium), and from the Computer Graphics School Supinfocom (Valenciennes, France). He publishes graphic novels, and illustrated in notably the French daily Le Monde.Philippe Grammaticopoulos realized two films, “Le Processus” – his graduation film – and “Le Régulateur”, both screened and awarded in many festivals around the world. In 2007, Grammaticopoulos was awarded a Gold Lion at Cannes Festival with his film “Les Signatures” for Amnesty International. He is now working on a color film and a new graphic novel.
1970 出生於美國明尼蘇達州
1990 -1996 加州柏克萊大學、明尼蘇達州明尼阿波里斯大學、伊利諾大學香檳分校及南加州大學修習哲學、電影與電視
2009 「城市遊牧影展」,台灣
2008 「臺北雙年展」,台北
他的數部影片“Taipei 101: A Travelogue of Symptoms” (2004), “Die Entnazifizierung des MH / The Denazification of MH” (2006) and “Lessons of the Blood” (2010)獲得獎項與資助。
James T. Hong
Born 1970 in Minneapolis, Minnesota (USA) James T. Hong studied philosophy and Film/Television from 1990 until 1996 at the University of California, Berkeley, the University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and the University of Southern California. Besides several awards and grants for his films, e.g. “Taipei 101: A Travelogue of Symptoms” (2004), “Die Entnazifizierung des MH / The Denazification of MH” (2006) and “Lessons of the Blood” (2010), he has been participating at diverse solo screenings as in 2009 at the Urban Nomad Film Festival in Taiwan (with Yin-Ju Chen) and in 2008 at the Taipei Biennale.